Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ommegang Cup O' Kyndness

'Our Scotch Ale contains Pilsner, Munich, caramel & smoked malts, and roasted barley. It's gently hopped and flavored with heather tips. Lightly malty, notes of grassy heather, a wee bit of smoke. 750 ml bottles and draft. 6.8%' -

Thankfully Cup O' Kyndness doesn't have the saccharine overdose of most Belgians, which was a concern of mine when I picked it up. The 'wee bit of smoke' (you guys just had to use 'wee', huh?) is actually pretty strong, which worked well with the heavy caramel and slight alcohol bite. I think Cup O' Kindness could benefit from a bit more body and a thicker head, but that might just be approaching winter stout cravings. Just a little watery for my tastes, not a deal breaker. It does taste Scottish, which is in itself a success for a blend between Scottish and Belgian beers.

Overall I liked it, but I don't think it this beer something I would pick up often. Due to the fact that Cup O' Kyndess is a limited beer, this sounds like a one time deal for me.


Anonymous said...

A one time deal.
I have the 750 ml right now and it's OK and inexpensive relative to other beers this size, but leaves me wanting something a wee heavier on the Scottish side.

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