Another temperate IPA, which seems to be a theme this week. It's a pretty flavorful brew, which benefits from how mild the hops is. This beer has very subtle, bizarre, pine taste to it. I don't mean Pine-Sol or anything disgusting like that, it is very subdued and organic in its flavoring. A good amount of citrus zest helps add to the meagre kick without crossing the line. Somehow this beer tastes healthy, even though obviously is not. Its beer, healthy beer is impossible!
Long Hammer is a good beer, but it leaves me craving more hops from an IPA. I have had wheat beers hoppier than this stuff. This beer is certainly good just not what I was looking for in an IPA. I think its going to be hanging out in the fridge until I finally scrath this terrible itch. I itch for hops. What has become of me?
Yep, looks like you are turning into a "hop head" (sorry, I also don't really like that term very much.) I went through this phase just last year. Right now I got in my fridge and can recommend Dark Horse IPA and Southern Tier IPA. I still want to try Founder's IPA, which is supposed to be great. And Goose Island IPA and Lagunitas IPA are great too, and available most places. I guess they're all pretty good if you are liking hops! BTW, beer CAN be healthy! I may write a post highlighting some healthy beer facts soon. Cheers.
The Southern Tier is definitely on my list, you just bumped it up a few spots!
I have seen the Long Hammer at the grocery store and have thought about picking it up and have consistently walked away because I know Redhook is basically an Anheuser Busch brand and I try to support everyone else but them. So I was very happy to see a review on it, and in the end I think I will stay away. An IPA should have a good hops presence and this sounds like it would be better suited being called just a pale ale.
I have to second the recommendation for Dark Horse IPA.. fantastic stuff there.
I know Redhook has plenty of stigma b/c they are associated with AB, but I try not to let myself get too swept up in those things. I am fairly burned out on politics, used to boycott damn near everything in my early twenties.
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