'Nothing refreshes you more than this naturally cloudy wheat beer with its wonderful yeasty fragrance and taste. Goes well with dishes that do not have too intensive a flavour, especially that Bavarian speciality 'Weisswurst' or white sausage.' Ratebeer.com
Here I am, browsing Fox and Obel with my Groupon (I might be turning into a yuppie), and I stumble upon this delicious looking German wheat. The price wasn't outrageous, which is saying a lot since that entire store is a price gouge, so I pop it in my cart after a little hesitation. Why did I hesitate? Because the label brought up the 'purity law of 1516' which in my mind reads as 'boring'. I fully expect hate comments from German beer enthusiasts after that statement. Danke for showing up, dudes.
Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier is actually really great,
I felt kind of
silly having such apprehension when popping it
the cart with the
overpriced cheese and meat I was
for half off. This wheat is
extremely malty, at least for my tastes
and has a pretty frothy
head. The