I enjoyed Minha's Mountain Creek Lager, so I picked up this sixer in Louisville over the weekend after filling my basket with glorious bourbon. I cannot say I was impressed. This beer has a soapy head, is too lightly hopped and bland, but it does taste clean. Rhinelander is alright for a cheapy, but not something I would purchase again given other options, including Minhas other brews. That being said, Rhinelander's great logo and low price point ($3 for a six pack) just might make me go back on my word and give it another try one day.
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Nice dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
leggere l'intero blog, pretty good
As a point of info, the Minhas brewery went under new ownership where they decided to turn a classic northwoods brew into a malt liquor like product meant to be consumed under bridges and behind dumpsters. Rhinelander used to be a deeper and more complex beer and was a great bargan at the ultra low price. It's now being produced by a group attempting to bring it back to it's previous glory as the best of the cheap beers.
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